mysticonnie's blog

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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I can't believe the news today...

I can't close my eyes and make it go away...

Oh, but if only I could.

I tried to be objective. I tried to think of anything good that village idiot has done in the last four years. Really, I did. And I couldn't, honest to God, think of a single damn thing. When Clinton left, the budget was balanced - now there's a deficit. California was punished after the energy crisis for supporting Gore. Yeah, they like to talk about that tax break, but it really only applied to like, less than one percent of the country - his buddies, or what he likes to call, "my base." The environment is completely fucked. Corporate responsibility is at an all time low, and outsourcing is becoming the norm. You can just forget about any kind of healthcare plan. Every other country in the world hates us. Oh yeah, and there's a little mess in the Middle East called Iraq. And as a final capper, I was listening to NPR this evening, and the hosts were talking about the kinds of judges who would be appointed to the Supreme Court. Great. That's just great.

I'm moving to Canada.


At 11:29 AM, Blogger Jane said...

i know how you feel...

At 7:12 PM, Blogger Jen(n) said...

Nooooooooo! We must stay and fight the evil empire!! What would Legolas do??? What would Bono do??? What would... um... Alfie do???


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