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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Drishti Goals

I'll come clean. In order to support my ridiculous eating habits, I have to work out an insane amount. ISince I stopped seeing a trainer, I don't do much ab work (other than in yoga class) or lift weights anymore, and I don't run or spin. I go to a lot of yoga, and I swim on a masters team. In the past couple of months, I started taking a crazy-ass dance class at my gym. Now, I'm not much of a dancer. I took maybe one tap/ballet class when I was like, 5 at the local rec center, and yes, I took bellydancing on and off for a few years, but we won't go there (when the bellydance class started to involve performances and recitals I bailed). I'm terribly uncoordinated and ultraklutzy. All those wacky dance steps and combos really make my brain go dizzy. And a dizzy cross-eyed chick trying to get her bearings is NOT graceful. Despite that, the class is a great deal of fun (mostly because I spend a great deal of time laughing my ass off at myself) so I'll probably keep taking it, but I think it's done something weird to my right shoulder (long story). Like, there's a big knot or tightness in it. I wouldn't exactly call it an injury, but I definitely notice it in yoga, when certain poses are noticeably more difficult to get into, and in swimming - the reach on my right arm when I extend it feels shorter. I think I might be rounding my shoulders too - my yoga instructor (yay! David's back) kept telling me to stop "nosediving" in the transition from Urdhva Hastasana (standing upright with arms raised over the head) to Uttanasana (standing forward bend) in my sun salutation. Last week, he had told us to find a drishti (focused eye gaze) in order to prevent collapsing the shoulders. Guess I need to work on that. And get a massage.



At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am always in awe of your dedication to working out!

...and because of your example, I am now thinking about taking yoga.


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