For a relaxing time...

the view from my balcony
required reading:
Vanity Fair's Jennifer Aniston article and just about every trashy supermarket tabloid
on the tube:
Best in Show (seemed appropriate, given the company)
required activities:
lounging, playing with the dogs, surfing, sunset walks and swimming with dolphins
required drinks:
mariage frere's ginger green tea, flirtinis, cosmos and mimosas, of course! we switched to suntory whisky when the hour grew late
required noshing:
blueberry pecan pancakes, green eggs (sadly, no ham), bacon, tamales, peaches melba, various sauce experiments, grilled skirt steak, salmon, hot dogs, burgers, corn, asparagus...

Spent the weekend bidding one of my dearest friends, Justin, adieu, at an extended bash thrown at his beach house in Oxnard this weekend. Despite car worries and a missed bridal shower, it was of course, fabulous. I surfed, I lounged, I cooked, I went for ocean swims where playful cetaceous friends appeared. I wish it had occurred to me to take more pictures, but I was to busy having a good time. Met some interesting people - a youth TV reporter who just returned from the Middle East, a Jeopardy winner, and a plastic surgeon's personal assistant whose office was about to appear on "Dr. 90210". I also met Olive, the 4 month old French bulldog who is the newest addition to Justin and Brian's family. She is, of course, adorable, and she and Rusty are incredibly bonded. The two of them together is even cuter than anything you can imagine.

I shall miss my friend, in his sojourn to Paris, but I'm also happy for him, because I know that this is always what he's wanted to do. Hopefully, I'll be able to visit. But he'd better bring me back some cheese, dammit, when he returns at Christmas.